Q: “Alexander, do you think by end of the year we will be on at least 3 exchanges?”
A: “It depends on a lot of factors to be honest.
We really had a long discussion with p2pb2b today and are currently making some possible scenarios for if’s and when’s
In theory, yes, we can be listed on 3 exchanges in a month or by the end of the year.
But we really want to think this through and do it at the right moment.”
Q: “Wouldn’t earlier the better for wider audience. To broaden our reach and be recognised more?”
A: “We could do the listing today if we wanted to, we have the funds needed in the marketing wallet.
We had a +2 hours meeting today where we discussed this broadly, highlighting both the advantages and disadvantages of listing today, this week, this month and so on.
We could have a huge growth, ofcourse, but a huge growth at this moment with so much of the liquidity available can also result in a dump that we may never recover from or will recover in a long time span.
Our financial analyst advised us to let the project sit for a while to allow everyone understand the principles of the project and accumulate more holders slowly because a listing done at the wrong time can be very hard to recover from, if it is recoverable.”
Q: “I think this would happen regardless if we did it earlier or sooner. But then itll just fall back onto organically growth. Just an option. I have faith in your team and structure on how it will be done. Just thought ill ask something that others may also think 💭”
A: “We want the growth but we also don’t want to rush into something just because we can do it. We don’t want to take unwanted and unnecessary risks in your name.
Thank you for the questions because these created a public answer awaited probably by others too.”