A short Q & A with the community
Special thanks to Funktavius for these questions:
Hey devs, I dunno if you’ll remember but I joined right near the start of the TG and had some questions to which you had some great answers. As promised, I’ve been keeping tabs and so I will be straightforward in my assessment. It’s long so I’m breaking it up, TLDR : I’m super interested but remain firmly on the fence.
Q: I’m impressed with the marketing approach you’ve just laid out above. So far, I haven’t said that about a single BSC coin developer I’ve come across. What you’ve proposed seems like it will create sustained communities to connect to PathFund rather than single moments of hype that are hard to maintain.
A: When PathFund was in development phase, this was a key aspect. Find what others are struggling with and fix it. Due to the nature of our contract, not only that we fix it for us but we can fix it for anyone that’s worth sponsoring. There are tons of projects out there with good developers, good core values and ideas but still struggle with funds due to their architecture.
We don’t believe that funding a project with own money endlessly is a viable thing and neither is hoarding coins on personal wallets then dumping on holders when you need to develop or hire.
PathFund will be for sure making headlines.
Q: What you have promised is an ambitious project. If a safe launchpad for BSC is created it will be an astronomical success, you might as well be opening a seemingly bottomless gold mine. However, this must either be some feat of technical or logistical achievement to accomplish otherwise an existing competitor like DXsale or Unilock would have taken on this role of additional vetting for BSC launches.
A: Vetting isn’t everything. People focus too much on what they’re told to focus in my opinion.
As a project you can have the greatest end-goal of all times, ground breaking features that will shock everyone but if you don’t have a plan of how to get there, you never will.
Every project has an end goal and 99% of them cannot support themselves for more than 2 months due to not planning every step, not setting milestones and not having a viable plan.
Funding projects with own money will never work and neither will buying your own liquidity trick.
“Bottomless gold mine” is a good name but we like to call it self sustainable project.
Q: With that being said, this makes the offer seem far too good to be true unless you can prove that the team behind it at a minimum has the technical capability to achieve this feat. Many factors can kill a project that are beyond the control of perfectly competent devs who have the ability and intention to complete their project. But if you can’t be certain the devs CAN follow through that makes the risk of getting involved intolerable to many like myself who have been burned exactly as you’ve described.
A: We all have a solid background in IT and cover most fields, marketing and public relationships.
Indeed, a lot of factors can make projects lose traction or even full control, i won’t deny that.
Many aspects were taken into consideration when we thought about doing this project.
If this happens, how do we counter it, if that happens, what how do we get it back on track? Many things can cause a project to fail but if you do your homework properly, you can have a plan for almost everything. The way we see it, human saves machine, machine saves human. When we slip, the project can help us. When the project needs help, we know what to do to help it. PathFund revolves around self sustaining and risk management.
Q: What has kept me from maxing out my presale purchase is that you don’t seem to have followed the steps that I’m assuming you will expect of projects using your launchpad. I understand you will discuss doxing at a later date in an AMA. I don’t need to know who you are right now, I need to know that whoever you are you can assure me it is technically and logistically possible to achieve what you have proposed.
A: I understand your point correctly and also validate the one before it in this phrase.
The reason we don’t have a whitepaper (nobody noticed apparently, that’s how standard it is these days) is that we didn’t want to fully disclose the logistics behind it from the very start.
PathFund is 10 steps ahead of the other projects, we want to be 100 steps away before other developers understand what we’ve done here.
The project wasn’t designed as a “me first” thing but like a “us all”.
PathFund may not reinvent anything in this internet crypto-era, but it will surely support the projects who can.