PathFund AMA with


5 min readJul 6, 2021

Hi, everyone! Welcome to the XT AMA Channel. XT is honored to invite PATH today. Let me give a brief introduction of XT first. is the world's first real-time social trading platform with 0% leverage interest. The XT ecosystem has over 6 million global users with a daily transaction volume of close to $5 billion. The platform has real-time indicators and tools that bring the best trading atmosphere for all users.

XT exchange's innovative social model empowers the blockchain industry through newly developed social trading avenues, which were once not possible. XT has achieved this through a combined effort with our partners, like Btok.

Today, our guest is Alexander Let's talk to him to learn about PATH.

Hello Alexander, thank you for joining us for the XT and PATH AMA!


Hi, I am Alexander, the CEO and Co-Founder of PathFund.


Can you give our audience a brief introduction of PATH?


PathFund aims to be the first pre-auditing self-sustained cryptocurrency launchpad which will not only launch potential projects, but also sponsor & mentor them. Thus, ensuring investor’s safety as well as steady growth of the launched projects.

We've identified the key issues serious projects are facing at launch such as: trust, reach, funding and other problems due to the increasing number of scam tokens.

Projects launching on our platform would be verified and audited thoroughly in order to ensure buyer's safety. Once a project passes all the verifications, it would only then be launched and receive funding & guidance from PathFund to ensure hazzle free journey & steady growth.


I have checked your project has got impressive ratings by some top crypto rating websites. How do you take these ratings?


From the moment we launched this project and until now, we never stopped promoting it. We are doing everything we can to keep improving our marketing and secure organic growth.

During all this time, we gathered a strong community that believes in our use case. We take these ratings as nothing more than a motivation to work even harder and focus on our deliverables because no matter how good you are, there is always scope for improvement.
Together we can make the crypto world a safer place.


Can you introduce the core team members of PATH? We hear that the team is highly experienced, can we get some examples?


PathFund’s core team is composed of two members:
I, Alexander, CEO & Co-Founder, am an experienced software engineer with 8 years of background & experience in IT field.
Alina is our CFO & Co-Founder, she’s an experienced entrepreneur holding several degrees in marketing, finance and public relationships.


Can you give our community a brief introduction behind the inspiration to build PATH?


We wanted to build a project like no other. We wanted to have a unique long-term concept and we believe that due to PathFund’s contract functions we have achieved that.

We don’t believe in projects that buy back the liquidity and later dump the project’s price or those that just dump the whole development.
The increasing number of scam rate in the market makes the community envision a safer place for the crypto environment and we decided to deliver it.


In the Crypto industry, what do you think of the current state? What do you think that needs to be improved?


As we all know that crypto industry is filled with scams and rug pulls, specially the ICO scams that have been a persisting problem since the earliest time.
The market has hit an all-time high in terms of scam rate in 2021. If this carries on, people will soon begin to lose trust in digital tokens.
At PathFund, we believe that this situation must be brought under control and can be improved to a considerable extent by pre-auditing and conducting thorough verification of the projects before launch. We strive to mitigate ICO scams and support legitimate projects by covering all the aspects required for their steady growth.


How does the PATH team plan to tackle these issues to reach mass adoption?


We believe in providing a viable use case to the community and contributing to the Crypto Industry by delivering a working product (pre-auditing self-sustained launchpad) to mitigate scam. More people will eventually join us in our vision then they see us putting in work and delivering what we promised.
It’s said that “The project is as good as it’s marketing” and we haven’t forgotten that. We are doing everything to spread the word and help people learn about PathFund to bring in more organic growth.
Therefore, we will tackle these issues and reach mass adoption by proper planning, management, execution, marketing, timely deliverables and community support.


What is your timeline, and what can we look forward to from PATH?


PathFund Launchpad (PathLaunch) is scheduled to release in Q4 2021. You can find the roadmap on our website and we plan on delivering every aspect of it within the given timeline.
In the coming months, community can look forward to PathFund establishing partnerships with other projects, agencies and companies etc other than platform development and marketing improvements. (PathFund has already partnered with 3 auditing companies to focus on delivering the pre-auditing part)
I am attaching a link to our roadmap below for the audience to have a look at
Moreover, we won’t just stop at the launchpad, we will have a new roadmap ready before 2021 ends, which will focus on developing more products as well as adding additional features to our PathLaunch.


Anything else do you want to share with our community?


If you are tired of scams and in search of a safe haven, join & be a part of our Journey. We are being as transparent as we can with the community. (2 video AMAs have been conducted so far and every transaction done for marketing or any other purpose is announced to the community before any transfer is made)
We will do everything in our power to ensure buyer’s safety as well as to provide a happy path for launched projects by mentoring and guiding them towards the best practices for a steady and assured growth.
We are here for the long term and are solely committed to the project. Come, share our vision and be a part of our growing community.
At PathFund, we believe that we can make a huge difference in the Crypto Industry with a little help and support of our invaluable community.

Thank you, Alexander, for taking the time to do this AMA with us today. It has been great learning more about PathFund and the team behind it!




Written by PathFund

PathFund aims to be a trusted launchpad which also sponsors the projects it launches with funds for marketing campaigns.

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